standing with damage
i’ve been terrible at keeping this website updated. i felt it was more important to work on music than writing, but i’ve been thinking about journalling and creativity recently and maybe i got it wrong. maybe if i had written more it would have eased the flow of new music.
i have been working on music in the background but it’s taken until now, after a number of false starts to have something new to release. i’m hopeful that some of the other things i’ve worked on in the last year will come to fruition in due course - some of that is in my control and some not and i’m okay with that.
the key thing is that there is a new track on bandcamp on 2 february and there will be more to follow and more regular updates on this site. the new track is called standing with damage, a title that can, i hope, be taken a number of different ways and mean different things to different people.
the new material is, i think, an evolution. i think i’m honing in more effectively on what i am after in terms of emotion and texture. with previous releases i was definitely ‘trying on different hats’ - i think i have arrived at something that fits. it will, itself, evolve i am sure, but i’m aspiring towards a new consistency.
that all said, one of my underlying goals is that, if there are people listening at all, they won’t like everything i do. all the artists i love have some stuff i like and some stuff i don’t and it’s not a quality thing, it’s a sonic thing. they shake up their sound and lose people along the way. as i get older i sometimes find that i later come to love the new sound better than their older material. it hasn’t changed, i have. obviously, i’m a million miles off that at the minute, but it’s always there in the background.
in other news, i read ‘the klf - chaos, magic and the band who burned a million pounds’ by john higgs recently and really enjoyed it. it’s only tangentially about the klf and all the better for it. numbers - that’s definitely a ‘thing’ for me.